Monday, January 3, 2011


Happy Holidays everyone!

So I've noticed that everyone starts the year off with their new years resolution but never seems to stick with it (myself included). That's sad. I mean if you can't keep a promise to youself how are you going to keep your promises with others?

Well it's 2011 and I thought I'd do something a little different than the usual "I'm gonna study more and get straight A's." And then there's the famous "I wanna shed a few pounds." Instead, this year I've decided to rid myself of all of the negative influences in my life, and anything that causes stress (guess I won't be doing any homework =]). I began by getting rid of someone who drives me CRAZY! And I've decided to call up an old friend. It's January 3, 2011 and I feel like a new person. I'll be even more excited next year when I graduate. Baby steps baby steps.

But my point is that a new year means a chance to start over and be the person you want to be, especially for teenagers. I mean we're out of school for a week. So when we come back we decide what type of person we want to be and what's going to change. So for everyone who's into the whole new years resolution thing, stick to those promises you made to yourself. And coose something that you're really serious about.

p.s. Send me messages about your new years resolution and how things are working out.


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