Saturday, September 25, 2010

~ Vintage! ~

Today was such a busy day. I barely got any sleep and had to be somewhere by 8am. I performed 3 times and must have done the same improv. games about 100 times. Overall everything was fun. I shot a video outside with friends and can't wait to c how that turns out. Hopefully I will be able to share that with you.

Later on i took some family pictures and the theme was vintage. Now at first, I thought the idea was horrible. But mama knows best! Once everyone was dressed with their hats and pearls, it was beautiful. Hopefully I can get some pictures up by next week.

I'm thinking of having my prom pictures taken there instead of the typical prom picture. What do yoou think? Well, prom isn't until 2012...but I guess I'm so excited because I went to one last year and had a great time. At first I didnt want to go to my prom because as I mentioned before, I had a rough sophmore year after changing from a private school to a public school. I didn't think I;d ever have friends or find any guy that I could possibly be interested in at this school. However, after attending the prom last year and having a chance to experience searching for a dress and makeup (It was my first time wearing it), I decided I wouldn't miss out on my prom for the world. Plus, I've made a few friends and it's not so bad here. Well, not as long as I stay focused on what really matters.

p.s. sorry about all the gramatical errors but I;m so tired and barely feel like typing. LOL. I;m starting to just own the fact that I'm lazy. I use to deny it but I'm tired of defending myself when I, and everyone else knows that I am super duper lazy...I actually perfer the term laid back. It sounds cool and not as negative as the word lazy....don't you think?


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