Saturday, September 18, 2010


Attention! This post is not only speaking of bf's/gf's. I'm speaking of the relationships we build with others in general, whether it's a friendship, partnership, etc. The message applies to all types...Enjoy! xoxo

Someone once told me that I am quick to end a friendship or any type of relationship over silly things. At first I didn't pay it much mind. But this actually goes back to what I said about picking your battles. Today I realized that sometimes I make a big deal of things that can easily be fixed. It's important to give people a chance and try to work things out with people you care about.

But then again, when is enough enough? We can't always just let it go and pretend that it never happend. Yes, it's important to understand that no one is perfect and people will disappoint you. But it IS just as important to understand that people should not be allowed to walk all over you. Where do we draw that line? When is it right to let go of that friendship or relationship? These are questions that everyone should ask themselves.

Feel free to write responses to these questions in the comment box :)


1 comment:

  1. I hear what your saying. There is a line where you have to say enough is enough.

    BTW...thanks for posting your comment on my page. I'm now following your blog. And I have a heart for teenage girls...maybe I can tell them about things that have happened to me that they can avoid. Learn from someone else's experience type blogs.

    Have a blessed day.
