Thursday, September 30, 2010

♥Happiness♥ When is it ok to be selfish?

I've said this one million times and I will say it again. You can't force people to change. Some people learn lessons early on in life, and some a little bit later. But some people never learn. What do you do if the person you love just doesn't seem to understand, isn't maturing or changing their bad habits? I can't answer that question. But I DO know what not to do. Rule number one is to not try to make them change. It IS ok to help someone and try to guide them. But at the end of the day we cannot make the final decision for them.

Sometimes people get angry with us when we are only trying to help. You may truly have the best intentions for your loved one, and want to see them progress in life. But not everyone takes too kindly to that little push that you try to give them in order to get ahead. Some people see it as controlling. Some people aren't ready to grow or are too afraid. Others are stuck in their ways and wouldn't appreciate anyone telling the that they are wrong.

Another question: What do you do if someone you love has ways of life that conflict with yours? It's fine to have differences with your friends. Maybe some topics are too sensitive to discuss with this person, and maybe you should stay away from talking about whatever the topic(s) is. After all, you can't talk to everyone about everything.

But what if the person you love is constantly hurting you, whether it's emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually. Walking away is easier said than done. But in my opinion, this is where we truly see how much we love ourselves. If you love yourself too much to sacrifice your happiness for someone who doesn't have your best interest at heart, leaving may not be as much of a challenge. But if you don't put yourself first, and continue to stay in that situation, well not much happiness will come to you.

If we don't value ourselves, others won't either. People teach others how to treat them, based on how they carry themselves, or what they allow others to say and do to them.

If you accept abuse from a person, or allow them to treat you any type of way, this is the habit they will develop, and once started, it's very difficult to change. It's important to maintain happiness above pleasing everyone else because if you don't make sure you're at peace, no one else will. You're in control of your life and contentment, and only you can truly make yourself happy.

In a previous blog, I spoke of drawing a line and knowing when enough is enough.
My advice would be to handle the situation before it gets out of control. It's all about your happiness at the end of the day.

Click post title for a link to abuse hotline...

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1 comment:

  1. I don't think a person can make another person change. At the end of the day, it's that person's choice to change or not. We can't, and shouldn't, expect and force anyone to change for us.

    I am Fickle Cattle.
